Ephesians 3:20-21 (New International Version)

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

Monday, July 5, 2010

Week Day 5 Amazing Love!

At the conclusion of each lesson, I reflect back on what I've learned and give the lesson a title of my own. Today's lesson was absolutely filled with love, wasn't it? The more I learn about hesed, the greater my realization of the love embedded within the pages of Ruth. Hesed really permeates and leaks out over the pages; hopefully into my daily thoughts.

I wonder how many times I denied this kind of love to others. There is always an easy reason or excuse to come up with. For example, "I'm sure they would never do that for me!" Another example might be, "What would others think?" or "What will it cost me?" I am so thankful for the times someone else was there for me and didn't even consider an excuse. Why would I be so selfish when all these things in life really don't belong to me anyway? They belong to my Father who has entrusted them to me. Part of my responsibility is to care for His people in the way Christ did.

Looking at Boaz...he did what was right, regardless of what others might say. Ruth was not "the right kind of people" and he could easily come up with some really good excuses to deny her any help. Yet, there's all kinds of good excuses to help her, too. Really, Boaz was at a crossroads and he didn't even stop to think it out. He did the right thing.

Try and think from both points of view today. What would it be like to walk in Ruth's shoes? What would it be like to walk in Boaz's sandals? Both chose to do the right thing...both were put in the same place at the same time; not by coincidence either. This was a 'God Appointment'. Ruth needed someone to help her and protect her, Boaz had the means to meet that need.

Have you ever been in a place to protect or defend someone? Maybe you were the one that needed protection or a defense.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

The first thing that came to mind was "Don't mess with my children". A mom's protective nature always comes through.

I believe most of the time I take up for the underdog. Although I can think of a time or two as a kid not doing so well in that category, especially around my peers.

I can't think of a time I protected someone, but I think of the time my son, about the age of 6 coming to the aid of his sister. They were playing in the yard with other children in the neighborhood, and one of the boys kicked at his sister. He was on that boy so fast, and said, "DON'T KICK MY SISTER". I didn't have to intervene. He had it all under control.